25 Sep 2020
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
As an interactive social sculpture, GreenHouse NAXOS also represents one possible narrative of a sustainable transformation of the Naxoshalle into a climate-neutral public space for social encounters in its neighbourhood. Based on an initiative by the performance collective studioNAXOS, we are prototyping a place for innovative theatre practice and performance.
In the virtual GreenHouse, we invite you to prototype, discuss, construct and draw your idea of a Naxoshalle 2.0 and join the conversation about public spaces (both in the analogue and digital realm), digital venues, accessibility for new audiences and diverse groups, performative futures, spatial design and moderation needs.
The GreenHouse NAXOS can be visited via any browser a via greenhousenaxos.com
Frankfurt locals can enter the GreenHouse NAXOS through a VR-experience located in the physical space of Naxoshalle. 3rd-8th October, 10am-4pm.
Due to COVID-19 regulations and in order to minimize the risk of infection the number of people that can enter the VR-experience at once will be limited.
We are also following a strict hygiene and disinfection regime to make sure everyone can safely enter the VR-experience. This might result in waiting time on site.
There are daily guided tours at 12pm (German) and 3 pm (English) on site in the Naxoshalle. Due to the current hygiene regulations, a maximum of 5 persons per tour is allowed.
Virtually the tours take place at 12:20pm, 3:20pm and 8:15pm and later in the night for those interested – for all tours registration is requested via mediation@nodeforum.org.
During NODE20 you can join us at GreenHouse NAXOS for interventions, to hang out with festival participants, residents of Frankfurt and international visitors. Share your work and ideas, explore hidden chambers and areas within the GreenHouse.
We will run meetups on topics such as dance and technology, performances, and host a teens hackspace, workshops and installations that reflect on sustainable artistic practice, activism and new hybrid art forms.
Additional Programm by Naxos.Kino:
Movie Night at Naxoshalle: TOMORROW – Die Welt ist voller Lösungen (Mélanie Laurent, Cyril Dion, F 2015, 120 Min., Engl./French/German with German subtitles)
06. October 2020, Movie starts 7:30pm
Tickets 8€ regular / 5€ reduced
Please reserve a seat via mail: reservierung@naxos-kino.org (Name and Address required)
“Ein optimistischer Film über Lösungen, die wir brauchen, um den globalen ökologischen Kollaps aufzuhalten – mit mehr als 800.000 Zuschauer*innen in Frankreich und mit einem César als bester Dokumentarfilm ausgezeichnet. Der Fokus des Films liegt auf dem Zusammenhang der verschiedenen Probleme, mit denen die Welt momentan zu kämpfen hat. Unterteilt in die Kategorien Landwirtschaft, Energie, Wirtschaft, Demokratie, Bildung werden im Laufe des Films in zehn Ländern Experten und Initiativen aufgesucht, die an Ideen und Lösungen für eine alternative ökologische, wirtschaftliche und demokratische, schlicht für eine bessere Zukunft arbeiten. Sie stellen in Interviews mit Wissenschaftlern und Aktivisten Modelle des Urban Farming oder der biologischen Landwirtschaft vor und untersuchen neue Wege der Energiegewinnung, der Stadtplanung und der Müllentsorgung, aber auch Projekte zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit und demokratischer Teilhabe sowie vorbildliche Schulsysteme.”
Film talk with:
Julia Krohmer, Senckenberg Forschungszentrum Biodiversität und Klima Frankfurt
Moderation: Hilde Richter, naxos.kino
Artist, Creative Coder
naotohieda.comChoreographer, Performer, Researcher
plummerfernandez.comSound Artist
antyegreie.comArtist, Musician, Performer
homepage-bbb.comArtist, Designer, Performer
jeremybailey.netChoreographer, Interaction Designer
hjorgeguevara.myportfolio.comActivist, Actor, Anthropologist, Artist, Creative Coder, Dramaturg, Neuroscientist, Performer, Philosopher, Researcher, Scientist, Singer, Theatre Maker, Visual artist, Writer
Artist, Developer, Producer
unendlichemoeglichkeiten.deCreative Producer, Educator, Researcher
Curator, Dramaturg
jeannevogt.deCurator, Journalist, Publisher
alexanderscholz.comArt Historian, Educator
Author, Curator, Director
studionaxos.deTheatre Maker
The Second Nature Lab is developed in cooperation with the Goethe University Frankfurt / Institute for Art Education: Visual Culture, the University of Applied Sciences Mainz / Department of Communication Design, the HOLO Magazine, the Hesse Centre for Political Education and the Municipal Youth Education Agency / Youth and Social Welfare Office Frankfurt.
The Second Nature Lab is realized within the framework of “experimente#digital – a cultural initiative of the Aventis Foundation” and supported by the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain and the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft. The production “The Great Report” is supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ Guest Performance Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, and the Departments of Culture and Arts of the German federal states.
GreenHouse NAXOS is a digital replica of the Nature Theater NAXOS, an idea by Jan Philipp Stange, realized with Simon Möllendorf, Jakob Engel and keinStil, co-produced by Stange Produktionen, Dorfproduct and studioNAXOS with the support of Theater Willy Praml, made possible with funds from the multi-year support of the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt and the Federal Cultural Foundation, among others.