Anton Kalabukhov
Artist, Workshop Host
Antokhio (Anton Kalabukhov) is a Russian media artist who specializes in interactive and new media art. The main specialization is generative graphics, interactive installations, video mapping and virtual reality.
Moscow Circle of Light festival participant and a resident VJ of Kazantip Republic he created projects for companies such as Volkswagen, Vertu and Lightrhythm visuals. He co-operated as a media artist with the Kandinsky Prize, participated in the Night of New Media “Nikola Lenivets”, participated in the MIGZ Mapping Weekend festival and lectured at CG-Event Moscow master classes.
Since 2009 he is the co-creator and main developer of media content and new technologies in the company professionally engaged in visual solutions [in] visible. He is professionally engaged in programming in the vvvv environment since 2008.
Anton is part of…

DX11 Shaders upper-intermediate
by Anton Kalabukhov, Natan Sinigaglia
STAY_NODE at Robert Johnson
AV performance, Party
by Umfang, Leibniz, Elena Sizova, Solaris, Ekaterina Danilova, Anton Kalabukhov