#NODE20 Call for Video Submissions

Contribute to NODE20’s conference and present your work in our broadcast stream – and get a ticket for free!

Every NODE festival needs some live input of content from its community – be it improvised lectures on screen, unplanned live A/V performances or a showcase of your work/studio. Shelter-in-place NODE20 needs to continue this tradition. Therefore also this year we want to provide a space for the vvvv community to present itself.

In between our sessions at Emergency Broadcast Studio, we provide you slots to either present yourself, or have fun with the community. Pre-recorded showreels and performances are a good chance to safely submit your work and maybe stick around in our Festival Hub’s chat while it’s being broadcasted.


Available Slots

  • 30 minutes long breaks between lectures of our program timetable
  • 2 hours slots after 10pm for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


Further Process

  1. The NODE team selects the featured works.
  2. If your work is selected, we will contact you to proceed focused planning of your video contribution or live stream during the festival (approx 1 week before the festival) and send a free ticket to you via email.

What can I submit?

  • Pre-recorded showreels, max. 10 minutes to showcase your work or studio.*
  • Pre-recorded AV performance sets, between 10–20 minutes.*
  • For the brave: Live streaming of your AV performance in the evening slots where live patching is strongly encouraged. Duration to be discussed. **

* Pre-recorded showreels and performances are a good chance to safely submit your work and stick around in the chat while it’s being shown.

** The live streaming option is primarily for people that have live streaming experience and working set ups tested. Technical details have to be discussed with our team.

How to submit?

Fill out this form until  September 13th, 2020,
and upload your pre-recorded files or preview for live A/V sets here.