Luna Nane

Workshop Host

Visual artist


Luna Nane is a visual artist and creative developer based in Berlin. Since 2012 she has been working freelance with artists and agencies from around the world. She holds a master’s degree in Interface Culture at the Art-University of Linz. Luna’s works often combine real-time computer graphics, procedural generation, interface development and data-visualization. Ongoing artistic research projects involve visualization of large scale bot actives on social networks and procedural world generation.

Most notably she was working with Refik Anadol Studios on the award winning interactive installations “Archive Dreaming” and “WDHC Dreams”, in which you can explore millions of images and audio-samples in an immersive 3d cloud. Also, Together with Science Communication Lab, she developed exhibition pieces like “Explore The Ocean”, which features a large amount of data-visualizations, layered on a real-time rendering of the earths oceanic and atmospheric topologies. Other inspiring clients have been m-box, Adobe, Ars Electronica, Meso Digital Interiors, 17K, everyoneishappy and Analog Native.