Photos by Christian Schuller



For this meetup, we invited Ola Bonati and Brendan Howell will report directly from the permacomputing community and their activities around sustainability in design and computation.

Next to that we will have Felix Große-Lohmann tell us something about the local initiative „MFA – Material für Alle from Frankfurt. The initiative is committed to enabling more sustainable circulation of materials in the Frankfurt cultural production.


Ola Bonati

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ola Bonati is a researcher and storyteller working on topics exploring the implications of various technologies in our culture. In her work, she investigates the consequences of Web 3.0 hype, politics of design, digital monopolies, platform labor, and personal digital habits. She frequently turns to writing (ranting) about technology but remains hopeful and playful by creating critical new media pieces. Her latest focus is on digital hoarding, asking: how to crawl our way out of tech dystopia and into more kind practices both; for ourselves and the planet?

Brendan Howell

Brendan Howell is an artist and a reluctant engineer. He is the creator of numerous interactive artworks and inventions. Additionally, he has spent a lot of time teaching digital practices in applied and fine arts at various European higher education institutions. He lives in Berlin, Germany but can often be found walking in wooded areas of Northern Europe or enjoying pastoral life in Hacksneck, Virginia, USA with his extended family.

Felix Große-Lohmann

Frankfurt am Main

Felix Große-Lohmann beschäftigt sich seit seinem Studium der Kunstpädagogik und Anglistik mit Fragen rund um Materialkreisläufe in der Kunst- und Kulturszene. 2022 gestaltete er als künstlerischer Leiter die Installation Moondog für das Netzwerk „IfM – Initiativen für Materialkreisläufe“ auf der documenta fifteen und koordinierte die Veranstaltungen des Netzwerks. Er ist Gründer der Galerie Husslehof und der Frankfurter Materialinitiative „MFA – Material für Alle“, einer Organisation für nachhaltige Materialkreisläufe im Kulturbetrieb in Frankfurt und der Rhein-Main-Region, mit der er Materialien aus Ausstellungen und Kulturproduktionen sammelt, um nachhaltig kreative Wiederverwendung zu ermöglichen.

  • 2 moderators

  • 3 contributors

  • 40 community members

  • meetup #13

  • two delicious soups: red beet & pumpkin


The project is funded in the program “Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries Institutions” by the Hessian Ministry of Economy, Energy, Transport and Housing.

In collaboration with