NODE offers students at Mainz University of Applied Sciences various opportunities to get in touch with the creative coding community, internationally renowned digital artists, and an international agency landscape. In addition, they can present their own work in an applied environment and actively contribute to the work of NODE – such as through the design of hybrid communication formats, experimental digital applications and exhibits for events, etc..

The aim of the collaboration is, among other things, the development of formats for critical reflection and practical engagement with technology and, in particular, innovative design with programming codes, which are aimed at both students and specialist audiences from the field or the general public. Such formats may include exhibitions, workshops, conferences, or interdisciplinary research labs. Because of the connection to the university, all formats address and involve students.

Findings from events, applied research, and the work with students will be published in a novel, jointly designed digital publication format. Finally, the Tandem Professorship is involved in the conception of our festival NODE Forum for Digital Arts. Here the focus will be on design, exhibition conception and conference curation in a hybrid setup.

We are glad to announce that our tandem-professorship position is held by Alexander Roidl.



Alexander Roidl

Alexander is a designer, artist, and media researcher, with a background in graphic / interaction design, software art and programming. His research investigates the diverse implications of human-computer interaction with a focus on the creative use of software. His practice explores the intersection of programming, design, and software culture. He is regularly teaching workshops on creative coding, web technology and interaction design. Currently, he is holds a position as a Tandem-Professor for media informatics in design at the faculty of design Mainz University of Applied Sciences together with NODE.

Projects & Events



Funding & Partners

The tandem professorship is funded by the federal-state program “FH-Personal”, a funding program for the recruitment and development of professorial staff at universities of applied sciences. Tandem means that the position is divided into two parts: half a junior professorship at the university and half a position to gain professional experience.