Game Design • Elektronics & Tinkering • interactive Installations
Three workshops focused on technology and creativity. And they all had the same question: How can we change the digital world so that everyone has the same opportunities and rights? The results will be presented in your own exhibition!
With Digitale Welten learn how to shape our digital society!
The program covered a series of short term workshops all over Frankfurt in October 2018 and three long-term workshops running throughout the main festival days.
You could learn how to create your own interactive installation with a Kinect and the programming language Processing, you could design your own Game – from the story creation, character design and programming it with Scratch to the design of your own controllers – and build your own future scenario with electronics, motors and LEDs.

Elektronik & Tinkering
Young Workshop
by Kati Hyyppä, Niklas Roy
Der Workshop mit dem ihr euch Gehör verschafft in der analog-digitalen Gesellschaft, mit Elektronik und Profi-Basteln - im Rahmen des Jugendmedienkunstfestivals Digitale Welten 2018 zum Thema #DigitaleMenschenrechte.

Creative Gaming & Game Design
Young Workshop
by Andreas Hedrich, Thilo Lübker
Der Workshop in dem Games selbstgemacht und mit euren eigenen Stories gefüllt werden - im Rahmen des Jugendmedienkunstfestivals Digitale Welten 2018 zum Thema #DigitaleMenschenrechte.

Interaktive Installation & Creative Coding
Young Workshop
by Rosi Grillmair
Der Workshop zum Thema interaktive Programmierung und Kunst im Rahmen des Jugendmedienkunstfestivals Digitale Welten 2018 zum Thema #DigitaleMenschenrechte.
The exhibition at Gallus Theater presented all ideas, projects and installations that had been created throughout the last two months. We had a fabulous “vernissage” with a welcoming speech by Prof. Verena Kuni (Goethe Universität) and many guests of all ages.
The Workshop Hosts
These great people were running the workshops!

Kati Hyyppä
Artist, Designer

Niklas Roy
Artist, Educator

Andreas Hedrich

Thilo Lübker

Carolin Liebl

Rosi Grillmair
Artist, Creative Coder, Educator

Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler

Sebastian Pataki
Designer, Educator
The Team
These great people were also giving workshops and running the whole event:

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt

Johanna Schaefer

Katharina Steins

Anna Meik

Ludwig Schaible

Peter Zhongyu Hu