The hackathon runs for three days and is accompanied by a series on input talks on hacker ethics, open source tools, platforms and resources, as well as other topics relevant to the digital society and informed programmers. Participants work in teams and in collaboration with voluntarily working mentors from the IT, arts and design field. On the third day, participants present their ideas, projects and prototypes to a large audience of friends, families and like-minded people.
Further insights into the process and the atmosphere of a Jugend hackt event, give the documentary videos created by the national team in Berlin.
Jugend hackt offers a meeting point for young people who have attained a high degree of independence in dealing with programming. It gives them access to a nationally active and vibrant network of active young hackers*.
Cooperation is the main focus here and is essentially responsible for success. Only together and in open discussion with like-minded people as well as dissenters solutions can be found that really work and inspire.
6 editions
211 young hackers & 122 mentors
46 projects
Jugend hackt editions
Who is behind it?
Since 2013, Jugend hackt has been organized by the Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. and mediale e.V.. On a local level, it is run by different organizations such as NODE e.V. and many other people.
Jugend hackt is open source!
In addition, the Jugend hackt handbook describes the concept behind youth hackathons and offers detailed insights into our way of working.