Super coders, great ideas and lots of Mate!

The first day was all dedicated to learning and brainstorming – first steps in coding, discuss the ethics of hacking as well as learning about open street maps, open data in general and open source practices. We came up with ideas to work on, discussed their impact and implications – aaand had a lot of pizza and mate!

The following day, the participants dived into building teams and working on ideas right away. Mentors joined the teams depending on whether they could contribute relevant know-how. By the end of the day, proper prototypes were ready – which is quite incredible – and the teams tested their presentation skills, received feedback etc. The end of the day was though also dedicated to fun – or even more fun: karaokeeeee!

The finale was the presentation on Monday – for friends, family and everyone who wanted to see some real experts speak.

First, we were especially happy about one of our biggest supporters opening the session: Friederike von Franqué (Die Grünen) who was thanking our partners and sponsors and especially applauding to our participants.


lila Jugend-hackt-Alpaka Logo

The Projects

The teams came up with ideas for everyday life such as “Find ur Plant”, an app that we can use to care for our plants while we’re away, or projects that make our lives more sustainable, games or apps that make school life or learning more enjoyable: “Qualli-Code” is a game for learning programming languages and “WikInsta” helps you to read Wikipedia articles more quickly.


Thank you!

We say a huge thank-you! First of all to our wonderful participants – Thank you for taking part and making it what deserves to be called a Jugend hackt Event. Thanks for your kind and respectful attitude with mentors and among each other. It was wonderful to see you developing such exciting projects despite our somewhat different set-up!

Just as much, we want to thank the energetic and wonderful crowd of our mentors: Thank you for your patience and support all weekend long while participating from your living-rooms in Frankfurt and beyond!

Last but not least, of course, a huge thank you to all our sponsors and cooperation partners without their support, the whole event would not have been possible.

Partners & Sponsors


Liv Märtens

Elena Schweikert

Anna Meik

Jannik Buddeberg

Rainer Killinger

Andrea Eberlein

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt

Camila Stump

Sascha Korolkov