Bookfair Frankfurt – Learning LAB
Join us for workshops for kids, teens and adults at hall 4.2 on October 13-14, 2018
Lot’s of activities will be happening at Frankfurt Bookfair this year! In collaboration with, we will discuss the future of digital education and run a series of workshops for kids, teens and adults – and hang out. Visit us at hall 4.2!
THE LAB, Workshops
2018, October 13 + 14 / 10:00–18:00 h
Robot building, code your first game, create Instagram stories, learn about fake news or make electronic beats.
The LAB offers a variety of hands-on learning workshops on digital skills. Featuring WDR, SAP Young Thinkers, BIB, Code Door, Sensebox, Hacker School, Jugend hackt, DAI Makerspace and more.
Get a sneak preview into things that can happen at
Let’s build robot bugs!
How to quickly build self moving robot bugs you will learn with the media artists Carolin Liebl and Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler. You learn how to solder, build an electronic surcuit and have fun with technology. Join us!!
THE LAB, Talks
2018, October 13 / 12:00–13:00 h
Instagram, nice pictures only?
Talk with Clare Devlin @ Maedelsabende (Grimme Online Award 2018) and journalist Lilith Grull.
2018, October 13 / 12:00–13:00 h
Building the digital world together – through hacking, making learning.
What can the future of education look like? Whom should we ally with? A talk with the people behind the different initiatives in THE LAB (such as our Jeanne Charlotte Vogt).
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