Digitale Welten Festival 2023 – C0DES & FRI3NDS

The youth media arts festival in Frankfurt - 23-27 October 2023

23 Oct 2023 – 27 Oct 2023

JOBLINGE & Tor Art Space, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

0-20 € // Click here for tickets!

Digitale Welten Festival is back! This fall, we will be busy tinkering, discussing, designing and programming! People from 10-18 years are invited to develop creative and critical projects together with international media artists.



Four three-day workshops will take place in Frankfurt from October 23-25, 2023. This year we will be with our friends from JOBLINGE at “Danzig am Platz”. On October 27th we will open the big exhibition together at TOR Art Space, where you can present your projects.

Under the motto C0DES & FRI3NDS we want to explore friendship, artificial intelligence and technologies with you. What does friendship mean in the digital space? Which technologies are available to us to get in touch and how do they influence our communication? Can computers be friends?

Join us, because here you will become active as designers of our digital-analog world!




23.-25. October 2023

The festival offers a program of various workshops. Digital artists will work, play and research with you on the political and social dimensions of our analog-digital world. Together, you will develop your own artworks, prototypes, games or apps for a better digital society.




WORKSHOPHOSTS: Janne Kummer & Isaak Kudaschov

AGE: 12-18 years

Characters in computer games, profile pictures, personalized stickers and AI-generated images: There are thousands of ways we can represent ourselves online. But do they really represent everyone well? What standard beauty images, avatars and bodies are offered to us online? Do artificial intelligences even know people beyond normative ideas of body and gender?

In the workshop we take a closer look at AI, image search and databases and fill in the gaps: We create very personal, non-normed digital avatars and let them tell their story.

Apart from curiosity and the fun of trying things out, no previous knowledge is necessary for participation.


WORKSHOPHOSTS: Sarah Fartuun Heinze & Camila Stump

AGE: 10-18 years

Gamejams are where people come together to create computer games on a specific topic in a specific amount of time – often competing and playing against each other. At our MusicTheaterGameJam we work together instead of against each other and we invent the rules of the game ourselves – while we play! There is room for everything we feel like: Jump’n’Run, Adventure or a new kind of game yet to be invented. Let’s try out, develop and playtest together for three days!

For the MusikTheaterGameJam you don’t need programming skills or any other previous knowledge: If you like games – digital, analog or both – this is the right place for you.

Code, Remix, Break & Glitch

WORKSHOPHOSTS: Naoto Hieda & Franka Osthoff

AGE: 14-18 years

Beyond selfies on Tiktok & Co, we want to try out together how photos, memes and videos can be changed with code – and in real time! We will work with whatever we feel like – the favorite cat picture, a selfie or one of the prepared example pictures.

In the workshop we learn to program with the open source browser tool hydra and get creative! We will experiment with colors and shapes and use e.g. mouse pointer or keyboard to interactively change the images – in the spirit of Creative Coding! This is how we design our very own glitchy picture worlds.

No previous knowledge or programming experience is needed for the workshop. The only prerequisites are fun trying things out and a desire to get to know the combination of art & programming.

The workshop will be held in English and German.


WORKSHOPHOSTS: Joni Barnard & Setareh Hartwich

AGE: 10-18 years

In today’s analog-digital world, how do we become real teams that can make a difference? In the workshop, we’ll learn the importance of teamwork and that we can accomplish more as a group than we can alone. For three days, we will train our collective intelligence: In a mix of sports and art we will work co-creatively, with movement and record the whole thing in short online-videos.

What does it mean to make decisions together and still stand up for your own values? We explore how we can stand up as a group against injustice in our analog-digital world while taking care of ourselves and each other.

Originally, Stine Marie Jacobsen developed the workshop and the Group-Think project in collaboration with young people in France. At the Digitale Welten Festival, the workshop will be hosted by Joni Barnard. No previous knowledge is necessary for participation.




The exhibition opening on Friday, 27.10.2023, in the TOR Art Space will be the grand finale of the festival. Here you can present your finished projects and admire the results of the other workshop groups. Families, friends and all other interested people are cordially invited to drop by. After the opening, the exhibition can be visited for another two weeks.


Opening hours

Opening: Friday 27.10.2023, 6 pm

Sat 28 – Sun 29.10.2023 – 3-7pm
Thu 02 – Sun 05.11.2023 – 3-7pm
Thu 09 – Sun 12.11.2023 – 3-7pm



Artists & Workshop Hosts

Janne Kummer

Berlin, Germany

Janne Kummer works as a cross-disciplinary artist and educator at the intersection of Performing Arts, Digital Media, Game Design, and Critical Theory. Their work examines the effects of digitalization on the assessment and perception of bodies, referencing the thematic fields of Data/Techno/Cyberfeminism, Design Justice, Somadesign, and New Materialism. In their artistic practice, they are invested in critically engaging with the current developments in the field of AI. They use their work as a tool to expose existing power structures and develop alternative queer-feminist future visions.

Naoto Hieda

Cologne, Germany

Naoto Hieda is a media artist from Japan living in Germany with a background in engineering (B.Eng. at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and M.Eng. at McGill University, Canada). Naoto is currently studying at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne, Germany and works internationally for theater productions and in the visual arts. In their artistic work, they question the productive qualities of coding and speculates on new forms, post-coding through neurodiversity and live coding.

Sarah Fartuun Heinze

Hamburg, Germany

Sarah Fartuun Heinze (no pronoun) is a Black(-gender-)Queer*Feminist;(lohn-)arbeitet als Freie Künstler*In & Autor*In & Kulturelle Bildner*In:multiverse (neurodiverse) traversing Beyond Binary Stars Auch &/ zum Beispiel mit Theater, Games, Musik & Empowerment und : versteht sich Auch & Vorallem als Ästhetische Forscher*In.

Joni Barnard

Berlin, Germany

Joni Barnard (they/them) is excited by queer and trickster approaches to life and work, practices of consent and radical liberation. Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, Joni is currently living and working in Berlin. Joni is an artist, live performer, facilitator and teacher of dance, theater, embodiment and bodily activism. They create subversive work to encourage people to reflect on identity politics and sociopolitical issues, such as gender diversity, racial and power dynamics and radical inclusivity. 

Stine Marie Jacobsen

Leipzig, Germany / Kopenhagen, Denmark

Stine Marie Jacobsen is a conceptual artist who utilizes strategies such as collaboration, research, teaching, fieldwork, workshops, writing, drawing, installation and film. Jacobsen investigates and questions the institutional structures that address participation in law, violence and education, while education, while advocating for civil participation in art and politics. Her negotiations have led her to create artistic methods for anti-violence training, law writing and collective intelligence sports through her projects Direct Approach (2012-), Law Shifters (2016-) and Group-Think (2020-).

Isaak Kudaschov

Frankfurt, Germany

Isaak Kudaschov does a lot of different things – mostly he works as an actor, educator, translator, illustrator, dancer and musician in Frankfurt. He also studies Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen. In his works he likes to explore community, joy, healing, queer use (of technology) and questioning dominant narratives. Isaak is a workshop supporter at Digitale Welten Festival 2023.

Franka Osthoff

Frankfurt, Germany

Franka Osthoff is a cultural educator with a background in pedagogy and performing arts in social fields. She brings her experience in conceptualizing, organizing and implementing cultural and political education projects using media education methods for young people and is interested in gaining deeper insight into critical technology education. Franka is a workshop supporter at Digitale Welten Festival 2023.

Camila Stump

Frankfurt, Germany

Camila studies art education and is also involved in cultural education and media. She is particularly enthusiastic about contemporary art and art in public space. It is her concern to sensitize children and young people to these issues. Whether in the field of art or media education, she realizes time and again how relevant it is to open up spaces for young people to express themselves creatively.
Camila has been a member of the Digitale Welten team since October 2021 and is a workshop supporter during the festival.

Setareh Hartwich

Frankfurt, Germany

Setareh loves working with children and young people in a variety of media. She has already provided pedagogical support for radio and theater projects. Aa trainer in the HABA Digitalwerkstatt, she shows how children can use digital technologies as a creative tool. Setareh studied film and political science in her bachelor’s degree and is currently doing her master’s in media education. She is a workshop supporter at the Digitale Welten Festival 2023.




Funded by


Your Team

Nathalie Emmer

Art Education, Pedagogy, Team Digitale Welten

Elizaveta Kazantseva

Social Media, Team Digitale Welten

Camila Stump

Jugend hackt, Team Digitale Welten, Workshop Host

Sascha Korolkov

Jugend hackt, Team Digitale Welten

Liv Märtens

Jugend hackt, Team Digitale Welten

Elena Schweikert

Jugend hackt, Project Management, Team Digitale Welten

Jannik Buddeberg

Jugend hackt, Project Management, Team Digitale Welten, Technical Director

Andrea Eberlein

Pedagogy, Team Digitale Welten

Rainer Killinger

Jugend hackt, Team Digitale Welten, Technical Director, Workshop Host

Anna Meik

Curator, Project Management, Team Digitale Welten

Ludwig Schaible

Team Digitale Welten

Felix Bitz

Awareness, Project Management, Team Digitale Welten

Nils Weger

Jugend hackt, Production, Team Digitale Welten

Alexandra Waligorski

Curator, Team Digitale Welten

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt

Artistic Director, Board, Managing Director, Team Digitale Welten