SAFE!? – Digitale Welten Festival 2022
Shaping digital society with code, technology and creativity!
In the fifth edition of our teens media art festival, we will examine the truths and contradictions of our digital world. What is set and what can we still change? Under the motto “SAFE!?” international digital artists will be hosting programming and tinkering workshops for people from 10 to 18 years.
Together we will design our own interfaces, hack websites, develop face filters and drawing robots, secret languages and codes for communication between humans and other beings.
More information (in German) and registration here!
The Digitale Welten exhibition presents works and results that were created during the workshops.
It will be ceremonially opened on 05. October at 6 pm by the head of social affairs Elke Voitl and the Digitale Welten team. There will also be discussions with the participants and hands-on activities for our young guests.
#1 If you know what I mean?!
with Anna-Luise Lorenz
for 12- to 14-year-olds
Sat 01. to Mon 03. October
11 am to 4 pm
at Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm
What happens when beings unknown to each other want to communicate, for example bots and humans? What codes do they use as language? What technical devices and programs do they have to help them? In this workshop, we will explore the power of communication: We will investigate languages of other species, invent new secret languages and investigate the misunderstandings that are inevitable.
#SpeechRecognition #ArtificialIntelligence #HumanVoices
#3 Beyond the Click!
with Klimentina Li
for 14- to 18-year-olds
Sat 01. to Mon 03. October
11 am to 4 pm
at infocafe Neu-Isenburg
We scroll, swipe, click: no matter how we move through the web or handle our devices, we always use interfaces.
In this workshop, we will ask ourselves: What is behind the design of touchscreens, websites and the like? Can trees or plush animals also be interfaces? And how would that change our relationship to our technical environment? Together we explore the rules of interface design. We will create prototypes and 3D models for absurd, creative and – most importantly – our own alternatives.
#Interface #Accessability #Design #3D-Models
#2 Hacking the web
with Alexander Roidl
for 10- to 14-year-olds
Sat 01. to Mon 03. October
11 am to 4 pm
at Kinder- und Jugendhaus Fechenheim
What’s behind the easy-to-use and beautifully designed websites of companies, celebrities and news channels? In this workshop, we “hack” our favorite websites, remix them with others, and put them together in a new way. In the process, we’ll ask ourselves: Which sites do we often go to? Who do they belong to? How are they structured and what could be changed?
Playfully and creatively, we’ll learn to read the code that makes up the web and use it for our own experiments and design projects.
#HTML #CSS #Webdesign #Netart #Webhacking
#1 Making a Digital Facemask
with Katpatat
for 10- to 18-year-olds
Sat 01. October | 2 pm to 5 pm
at Medien-Studio-Bornheim
Sun 02. October | 2 pm to 5 pm
at Junges Museum Frankfurt
Upload a photo, apply a filter and you’ll look like an anime character, a cat or just have the right Insta-look. In this workshop, you’ll learn how face filters work, where your photo data ends up, and what effect it has on our lives online and in real life. You’ll build cardboard mask prototypes and your own digital face filters.
#FaceFilter #Trending #DataPrivacy
#2 BattleBits
with Ibo Ibelings & Jelle Reith
for 10- to 18-year-olds
Sat 01. October | 3 pm to 6 pm
at Jugendhaus am Riedberg
Sun 02. October | 3 pm to 6 pm
at Jugend hackt Lab in der Stadtbibliothek Offenbach
You think robots are super complicated and are only created in the labs of big technology companies? In this workshop, you’ll experiment with drawing-robots. You’ll learn electronic basics and program their behavior. You’ll think about how they should explore the world: shy, fierce or careful? You decide! In the end, the robots move independently in their environment and record their experiences.
#Robotics #Art #Elektronics

Anna-Luise Lorenz
annaluiselorenz.deAnna-Luise Lorenz is a designer, researcher, and artist based in Berlin. Her research-based work explores the corrupting forces of reality which find expression in the anomalies of empiricism and rationalism: the weird, the absurd, or the enigmatic processes within biological and technological systems. Through a wide range of media such as performance, installation, animation and fictional short stories Anna explores the human and non-human body as a pivotal point for the emergence of new hybrid beings, and accidental or deliberate non-human design practices.

Klimentina Li
Vienna, Austria
klimentinali.comSummarised in one word, Klimentina’s focus lies on interaction. Her work ranges from stage-based concepts through audio-visual compositions to educational forms of social experiments. Klimentina’s narratives are researching on the common grounds of those fields while questioning the already known. Her background in theater and pedagogy inspires her to observe new strategies for empirical communication and immersive experiences.

Alexander Roidl
Mainz, Germany
alexroidl.deAlexander is a designer, artist, and media researcher, with a background in graphic / interaction design, software art and programming. His research investigates the diverse implications of human-computer interaction with a focus on the creative use of software. His practice explores the intersection of programming, design, and software culture. He is regularly teaching workshops on creative coding, web technology and interaction design. Currently, he is holds a position as a Tandem-Professor for media informatics in design at the faculty of design Mainz University of Applied Sciences together with NODE.

Ibo Ibelings
iboibelings.nlIbo Ibelings is a Dutch creative coder, artist and overall technology enthusiast. His work ranges from making drawing robots to programming websites. Ibo teaches the modules Generative Design and DIY Hardware at Graphic Design at ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem.

Jelle Reith
jellereith.nlJelle is an artist in the Netherlands who works with electronics, robotics, machines and code. He is interested in questioning new technologies, for example in terms of their ethical implications.

katpatat.comLisa, Neander and Esther are three creative individuals who have a strong sense of social responsibility. They always like finding out new ways to express themselves, and during this, like to ask questions about what it means to express themselves in this way and invite others to do the same in a playful way. They all have their own specific specialty within Katpatat, but know the basics of each other’s specialty. This is what allows Katpatat to make bridges between these skills and find themselves in weird innovative spaces that they like to explore!
Your Team

Anna Meik

Alexandra Waligorski

Elena Schweikert

Andrea Eberlein

Liv Märtens

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt

Camila Stump

Sascha Korolkov

Verena Kuni

Jannik Buddeberg

Ludwig Schaible
Digitale Welten 2022 is a project by

Funded by

Created in collaboration with