Jugend hackt FFM 2022

Join the youth-hackathon! Let’s use code to make the world a better place!

17 Jun 2022 – 19 Jun 2022

jugend-kultur-kirche sankt peter

Bleichstraße 33, 60313 Frankfurt am Main

free (or a voluntary donation)

In 2017 we launched the first hackathon for young coders in the Rhine-Main region. This year we are proud to announce: The fifth Jugend hackt FFM hackathon will take place June 17th to 19th! #jhffm2022


Jugend hackt welcomes young coders for the fifth time in Frankfurt

From 17th to 19th of June Jugend hackt FFM will take place at the jugend-kultur-kirche sankt peter. During the three days participants will discuss with like-minded peers, critically question technology, code, experiment and develop their own prototypes, digital tools and concepts in order to find out how we can improve the world. They are supported by tech-savvy mentors who will introduce them to a variety of tools and methods such as 3D printing, sensor technologies or camera systems.

We are especially happy about registrations from people who are still underrepresented in technology, such as girls, people with disabilities or with a migration background.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve participated in Jugend hackt before, or if this will be your first event. Everyone is welcome!

Sign up for Jugend hackt!

Check here for more info (in German)!


lila Jugend-hackt-Alpaka Logo


You are well-versed in technology and computers, over 19 years old, open for peer-learning experience and volunteering work and want to help young coders to realize their own projects?

Join the team! We are looking forward to working with you!

Volunteer as a mentor!

More Info?



About Jugend hackt

Jugend hackt is a program developed by Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. and mediale pfade. Designed to support and promote young coders the hackathon aims at providing opportunities for young talents in the area of software development and tech and ‘improving the world with code’. Guided by mentors with technical expertise, participants use Open Data to work on prototypes and concepts in order to contribute to their version of a better society. The goal of Jugend hackt is to empower young coders, teach them new skills, point out creative and political opportunities to apply these and thereby foster experiences of self-efficacy.


Your JHFFM Team

Liv Märtens

Jugend hackt, Team Digitale Welten

Andrea Eberlein

Pedagogy, Team Digitale Welten

Rainer Killinger

Jugend hackt, Team Digitale Welten, Technical Director, Workshop Host

Nils Weger

Jugend hackt, Production, Team Digitale Welten

Christian Schneider

Jugend hackt

Elena Schweikert

Jugend hackt, Project Management, Team Digitale Welten

Jannik Buddeberg

Jugend hackt, Project Management, Team Digitale Welten, Technical Director

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