NODE17: Designing Hope
A new festival edition is in the making. Save the date and prepare for an adventurous digital playground!
Hope. It drives us to cross borders, to risk our lives for an idea.
It inspires us to wager fortunes investing in the next big thing.
But who has the power to design the imaginaries that drive this very human confidence and by which means?
NODE17 sets out to investigate the role of code, technological infrastructures, artificial intelligence and anonymous content managers in the mediation of ideas for a better future. Are we the inventors, makers and performers that shape the dreams and aspirations of our generation? Or: who is designing hope?
NODE Forum for Digital Arts in its fifth edition invites you to become part of a week long creative exploration of technologies. Mousonturm and Naxoshalle will turn into vibrant hubs for open exchange, hands-on experiments and reflection combining an exhibition, creative coding workshops with vvvv, a symposium, AV performances, laboratories, artist talks and engaging debates.
These are the first confirmed…
Check out the first announced vvvv WORKSHOPS here!
hosted by these heroes:
André Viergutz (ndrv), Andres Alvarez (andresc4), Anton Mezhiborskiy (robotanton), Aristides Garcia (lasal), Boris Vitazek (StiX), Carolien Teunisse (lucidlien), Christian Engler (u7angel), Christian Loclair (princemio), Christoph Schmid (knaif), Clemens Gürtler (digitalwannabe), Daniel Huber (ceeyaa), David Gann (tekcor), David Morasz (microdee), Dominik Koller (dominikkoller), Ekaterina Danilova (idwyr), Elias Holzer (azeno), Gloria Schulz (miik), Jens Alexander Ewald (jens.a.e.), joreg, Julien Vulliet (vux), Katharina Mayrhofer (kathi), Kyle McLean (everyoneishappy), Mangosh Prunier (evvvvil), Marko Ritter (velcrome), Matthias Husinsky (motzi), Matthias Zauner (sagishi), Sabrina Verhage (sabrinaverhage), Sebastian Gregor (gregsn), Tebjan Halm (tonfilm), Thomas Gross (tgd), Vadim Epstein (eps) …
Adam Harvey, Alacoque Ntome, Amelia Marzec, Amelie Hinrichsen, Awuor Onyango, BBB_, Benjamin van Bebber, Burak Arikan, Michael Hirdes (CCC e.V.), Else Tunemyr, Fabian Scheidler, Felix Kosok, Florian Arnold, Florian Egermann, Heath Bunting, Jacob Lefton (, Jared Onyango, Jeremy Bailey, Kathia von Roth, Kris de Decker, Lab(au), Lauren McCarthy, Leo Hofmann, Liam Young, Lilian Nejatpour, Lucy Railton, Melisa Allela, Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson (Kobakant), Milad Forouzandeh, Milan Loviska, Mohsen Hazrati, Neue Dringlichkeit, Oliver Hollenstein, onformative, Otto Krause, Peter Kirn, Peter Zinovieff, Pinar Yoldas, Rainer Kohlberger, Simon Weckert, studioNAXOS, Techettes e.V., Tega Brain, The Hacking Orchestra (KISD) and many more…
• about 50 vvvv workshops • exhibition • conference program • performances •
• the fabulous NODE17 HOPE lab •
• VR – Subject, Image, Space.
A conversation & experimentation lab with Städelschule Architecture Class •
• Choreographic Coding Production Lab Nairobi
with Motion Bank and Goethe-Institut •
•an intensive arts education, discussion and exchange program with Goethe University • screenings • open decks • A/V performances •
•NODE meets STAY in collaboration with Robert Johnson.
• Of Patches and Projects.
The design conference in collaboration with ‘Design to Business’ •
• Jugend Hackt Frankfurt am Main.
The hackathon for young people in collaboration with Open Knowledge Foundation and•
• further workshop program for young people • patcher kucha • hackspace • artist talks • panels and more…
Künstlerhaus Mousonturm
Waldschmidtstraße 4
60316 Frankfurt am Main
Waldschmidtstraße 19
60316 Frankfurt am Main
In collaboration with