Workshop: Hybrid Publishing – experimental formats in web & print

A introduction to web-to-print and paged.js

Join us for a 1-day workshop on hybrid publishing and get started using web-to-print as you experimental publishing method.

What is the workshop about?

The workshop will give an introduction to web-to-print using the paged.js framework.

Printing websites may seem odd at first, but on second thought, web-to-print offers an interesting, challenging, and experimental framework for graphic design. The use of alternative (especially more open and accessible) tools has long been a necessary task within the design community. The openness of Internet technologies therefore provides interesting starting points for rethinking tools in the publishing industry. How can websites be turned into printable, paged publications? How do web and print relate to each other? How does the tool affect aesthetics and the design process?

Since browsers are not natively built to generate paged, printable PDFs, there are frameworks like paged.js that fill the gap and basically turn your browser into an alternative layout tool (+ all the fun you can have with CSS and web technology in general).


During the workshop we will be making a small publication, that consists of a website and a printable PDF.

The workshop will be hosted by Julien Taquet at



We offer three types of tickets from which you can choose the one that suits you best – please choose freely! We would be glad if you supported our program by buying a ticket. If you can’t afford the ticket, you are welcome to choose the supported ticket.

Register • Anmeldung

Who is the workshop for?

  • anyone interested
  • students in “multimedia” related studies
  • type or graphic designers
  • people afraid of coding 🙂 or
  • creative coders who’re up for learning something new
  • architects and designers who are interested in interactivity
  • the lazy ones who want to get things done without too much fuzz

What do you need to bring?

  • a laptop (Mac / Windows / Linux)


  • The workshop will be held in English unless everyone present is native German speaker.
  • Please bring your own computer
  • We offer three types of tickets from which you can choose the one that suits you best – please choose freely. We would be glad if you supported our program by buying a ticket. If you can’t afford the ticket, you are welcome to choose the supported ticket!


  • Der Workshop findet auf Englisch statt – es sei denn, alle Anwesenden sind Deutsch-Muttersprachler*innen. Das NODE Team kann mit Flüsterübersetzung auf Deutsch unterstützen.
  • Bitte bringt euren eigenen Laptop mit
  • Wir bieten drei Ticketarten an, aus denen ihr frei auswählen könnt. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Ihr unser Programm mit dem Kauf eines Tickets unterstützt. Solltet ihr euch die Gebühr nicht leisten können, könnt ihr gern das supported Ticket wählen!

Workshop Hosts

Julien Taquet

Julien is part of Coko and currently involved in developing the paged.js framework.



What is NODE+CODE?

Since 2014, the meetup invites creatives, designers, artists, coders and anyone else interested to a series of events with changing locations and thematic focuses – all related to working with code in design and the arts. We want to build a community of people interested in the creative and critical application of technology in Frankfurt and Rhein-Main.




The project is funded in the program “Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries Institutions” by the Hessian Ministry of Economy, Energy, Transport and Housing

In collaboration with

Hosted by