What is the workshop about?
The workshop will give an introduction to web-to-print
Graphic designers have been divided for years into those who make things for the screen and those who make things for paper, but is that division still relevant today? After all, with a browser, we can take anything a browser can visit and turn it into an almost print-ready PDF. If we can make a book in the browser, then we’d be able to make the PDF of that same book without the need for any other software.
That’s the starting point of the web-to-print concept: using the technologies of the web to create the PDF while we create the screen version of the same content. But nothing is set in stone yet, and there are already a lot of different software and tools to support this kind of process, allowing for more open solutions and conversations about what we want to make of our fields in the future.
This workshop will navigate these questions by looking at how paged.js handles the specifications defined at the W3C and not yet available in browsers to move from printing documents in the office to creating books for printers.
The workshop will be hosted by Julien Taquet at DASH.press.
We offer three types of tickets from which you can choose the one that suits you best – please choose freely! We would be glad if you supported our program by buying a ticket. If you can’t afford the ticket, you are welcome to choose the supported ticket.