Workshop: Talking to Computers & Dreaming with Machines
The first step AI workshop for artists, designers and interested people.
The advancement of artificial intelligence opens up entirely new possibilities and seemingly renders conventional tools obsolete – thus, designers are affected by the technology as much as they benefit from it. But how can we design with AI, where are its limits, and what risks does the technology pose?
Ella Zickerick and Lina Schwarzenberg invite you to get started with AI. Together, we want to explore the potential and challenges of AI, discuss them, and shape them. We will try out various technologies and attempt to engage in a dialogue with our computers, dreaming together with the machines.
Die Entwicklungen künstlicher Intelligenz eröffnen völlig neue Möglichkeiten für Designer*innen und Künstler*innen und machen herkömmliche Werkzeuge scheinbar überflüssig – als Gestalter*innen sind wir von der Technologie also ebenso betroffen wie wir von ihr profitieren. Wie können wir mit KI aktiv umgehen und gestalten, wo liegen ihre Grenzen und welche Risiken birgt sie für unser Feld?
Ella Zickerick und Lina Schwarzenberg laden euch ein, euch aktiv mit KI zu beschäftigen. Gemeinsam wollen wir die Potenziale und Herausforderungen von KI erkunden, diskutieren und gestalten. Wir werden verschiedene Technologien und Tools ausprobieren und versuchen, mit unseren Computern in einen Dialog zu treten und gemeinsam mit den Maschinen zu träumen.
- The workshop will be held in German or English – depending on the participants.
- Please bring your own computer.
- We offer three types of tickets from which you can choose the one that suits you best – please choose freely. We would be glad if you supported our program by buying a ticket. If you can’t afford the ticket, you are welcome to choose the supported ticket!
- Der Workshop findet auf Deutsch oder Englisch statt – je nach Teilnehmer*innen wird dies entschieden.
- Bitte bringt euren eigenen Computer mit.
- Wir bieten drei Ticketarten an, aus denen ihr frei auswählen könnt. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Ihr unser Programm mit dem Kauf eines Tickets unterstützt. Solltet ihr euch die Gebühr nicht leisten können, könnt ihr gern das supported Ticket wählen!
Workshop Hosts
Lina Schwarzenberg
Dresden, Germany
linaschwarzenberg.comLina Schwarzenberg is a freelance designer and educator who operates at the intersection of design, art, and technology. In addition to her work as a graphic and web designer, she has developed a particular fascination for the interaction between humans and machines. Schwarzenberg delves into the impact of artificial intelligence and critically and experimentally explores both the potential and limitations of this technology. She conducts workshops and delivers lectures, disseminating and sharing her knowledge and experiences in AI-driven design. Since October 2022, Schwarzenberg has been a member of the Prompt Battle Team.
Ella Zickerick
Berlin, Germany
ellazickerick.deElla Zickerick is a designer from Berlin with a keen interest in the intersections of pop culture, art and new media, which she explores through research and artistic experimentation. Her work focuses on the creative use of digital tools and virtual image cultures. She spent her studies in Dresden, Melbourne and Brighton and holds two bachelor degrees in “International Business” and “Design: Product and Communication” from the University of Applied Sciences Dresden. She has been on Prompt Battle Tour since October 2022 and has participated in events such as transmediale and re:publica. She also currently works in the communications team at Junge Tüftler gGmbH, a media education company that supports children and young people in developing digital skills.
What is NODE+CODE?
Since 2014, the meetup invites creatives, designers, artists, coders and anyone else interested to a series of events with changing locations and thematic focuses – all related to working with code in design and the arts. We want to build a community of people interested in the creative and critical application of technology in Frankfurt and Rhein-Main.
Open Call
Be part of it and share your projects, challenges and questions with the community in one of our next meetups:
Propose your contribution! [DE/EN]
The project is funded in the program “Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries Institutions” by the Hessian Ministry of Economy, Energy, Transport and Housing.
In collaboration with