Become a mentor for young coders!

Jugend hackt Frankfurt/Main is run by NODE - and we need you to share your knowledge!

We’re super happy to be the local promoters of this young coders’ hackathon and to get young people involved into our community. Yet, we need some support for making it possible of YOU!


What are the conditions for becoming a mentor?

Anyone above the age of 19  who is open for or experienced in the exchange with a younger audience in the age span between 12 and 18 can be a mentor.

Additionally, you should be able to speak a certain level of German as most of the participants will be from the local communities and their English might not yet be fluent.

Volunteer as a mentor!


Tech/Coding Skills

The aim of Jugend hackt is to create a setting for peer-learning of various aspects of technology. The team of mentors should function as an inspiring and diverse pool of knowledge and bring a variety of skills related to technologies to the table. Therefore, we’re looking for a diverse and colorful mix of people with different specializations.


What you get in return?

For your volunteering support, you will receive:

Volunteer as a mentor!



Supporters & Funders