Available Slots
- 30 minutes long breaks between lectures of our program timetable
- 2 hours slots after 10pm for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Further Process
- The NODE team selects the featured works.
- If your work is selected, we will contact you to proceed focused planning of your video contribution or live stream during the festival (approx 1 week before the festival) and send a free ticket to you via email.
What can I submit?
- Pre-recorded showreels, max. 10 minutes to showcase your work or studio.*
- Pre-recorded AV performance sets, between 10–20 minutes.*
- For the brave: Live streaming of your AV performance in the evening slots where live patching is strongly encouraged. Duration to be discussed. **
* Pre-recorded showreels and performances are a good chance to safely submit your work and stick around in the chat while it’s being shown.
** The live streaming option is primarily for people that have live streaming experience and working set ups tested. Technical details have to be discussed with our team.