Diana Serbanescu


Artist, Researcher


With a double background in computer science and performing arts, Diana Serbanescu works on interdisciplinary approaches to culture, society and technology, with a strong focus on human factors. As team lead of the group researching the Criticality of Artificial Intelligence at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, she promotes a practice-led research on the topics of bias and explainability in relation to machine learning algorithms, revealing inherent symbolic power structures in current technological systems. She also co-founded REPLICA, a performing arts platform inviting creatives and scientists to collaborate on imagining hybrid behavioural models for humans and machines, and to prototype future tools,
cultures and rituals.

As the artistic director of REPLICA, Diana Serbanescu explores the potential of sentimental machines: the new human, the measurability of emotion, or the continued validity of traditions in an era of artificial intelligence and digital colonisation, when technologies permeate the collective unconscious and generate new aesthetics.