Grace Boyle

Multi-Sensory Storyteller

Grace Boyle is a multi-sensory storyteller. She debunks the notion that we have 5 senses, and instead believes we have closer to 33. When we tell stories that engage all of our senses, we’re able to tell more powerful and emotional stories.

The Feelies is a London-based studio creating original multisensory XR content. Bringing together perfumery, perception science, creative technologists, and artistic installation in the world of XR, The Feelies are developing what it is to write, shoot, and perform stories in a multisensory medium. In 2017, The Feelies launched the sensory VR piece Munduruku with Greenpeace and AlchemyVR. Featuring an olfactory narrative of six bespoke scents, recorded heat, wind, and infrasonics, the experience won awards at Future of StoryTelling in New York, and at Sheffield Doc/Fest and the Raindance Film Festival in the UK.