Michel Weber


Media Designer, Video Technician

Michel Weber was born in 1974 in South Africa. He’ s an interactive Media Designer and Video Technician. Since the nineties he has been devoting himself to the art of still and moving pictures. In 2003 he founded the KAF, which he completed with a documentary movie with seven other colleagues, which took him back to his place of birth. From 1998 on he worked as a Lighting Technician at the Zurich Opera House. In 2001 he joined the Theater der Künste, which is part of the Zurich University of the Arts. He first worked there as a Lighting Technician and from 2004 as a Video Technician. Since 2008 he’ s director of the Video Department of the Theater der Künste, where he gives introductory courses in digital video technology. He’ s specialized in interactive performance and various digital technologies (Kinect, Wiimote, Mapping etc.). For TroikaTronix ‘ Isadora Software’ , he is Beta Tester, forum moderator and part of the TroikaTronix team.


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