Choreographic Coding – Reloaded
The meetup session for all former Choreographic Coding Lab participants and all people interested in the intersection of contemporary dance and coding.
Once again, Motion Bank visited NODE Forum for Digital Arts to share the recent status of its research. A series of already eight international Choreographic Coding Labs have happened in the network of creative coders and the most renown organizations in the field of contemporary dance. This session is a platform for former participants to share their work. Prof. Florian Jenett presented the most recent state of research of Motion Bank Institute.
“Choreographic thinking” through collaboration, hope and curiosity: a methodology for opening up the potential for discovery
– Gregory Bennett, Andrew Denton, Stefan Marks, Jennifer Nikolai
On “Designing Hope” – This panel presentation discussed the art practice that guides our research. As researchers from a range of disciplines, our methods and approaches differ substantially when we are alone. When we are together our research expands and becomes the “how?” and “why not?” that is the essence of discovery. Our ethos leads to iterative generations of trial-and-error problem finding with technology and the virtual and live, moving body. Our ethos is led by hope and guides hope towards curiosity that otherwise is not experienced in solo practice.
In our case, hope lies within our collaborative studio-practice towards open-ended inquiry as the artist-practitioner researcher. Marquard Smith’s extrapolation of Ernest Bloch’s utopian call to create ‘outlines of a better world’, underpins his discussion of the role of the researcher. He says: “ our acts of ‘roaming while digging’ and our ‘look[ing] for with care’, our searching and re-searching as praxis, the eccentricity of our desirous ways of doing research, necessitate and provoke motivating driving forces that render possible worlds imaginable and, in so doing, can bring about meaningful change.” And one of the “three driving forces” of this praxis is “hope.”