The NODE17 Digital Debate Lab in Conversation
Shitstorms – hate-speech – xenophobic populism in presidential power: Are we regressing in our cultural evolution? Or can we take the opportunity to detect the blind spots of our worldwide information system? Mapping Minds attempted to create a precise cultural analysis and presented a whole new paradigm of intuitive information processing: DIVERSUS is a startup developing a digital anthropological tool.
Participants are invited to explore mutually one of the original, but when it comes to digital debates we are still underdeveloped skills of humanity: collective consideration. Based on the technological quantum leaps of today, we are about leave behind our age of linear information mapping and mass equalisation and move towards a more innovative way of accessing and processing information. Oliver Hollenstein (Die Zeit) invited the design philosopher Florian Arnold, the founders Martin Sambauer and David Weidinger to accelerate together with the audience the mind shift we need.
experimente#digital – a Culture Initiative by the Aventis Foundation supported the NODE17 Digital Debate Lab and its investigation into the state of debate and means of discourse today.