David Mórász

Artist, Creative Coder, Designer, Developer, Educator, Graphic Designer, Media Designer, Software Developer


David Mórász is working as a large-scale media developer usually with vvvv in a large variety of projects (mostly in advertisement). If he finds time he also makes some own artistic projects as well, rarely occuring thing though. He also has some bigger open-source contributions for the vvvv community gathered in the md.ecosystem collection providing solution for a wide range of problems which would be tedious to come-around otherwise.

Boris Vitazek

Artist, Creative Coder, Designer, Technologist


Studied performance art at AFAD Bratislava, while learning vvvv from the girlpower and forums.

Currently spending a lot of time making specifically crafted visuals for music projects that are revolving around game like controls, interfaces integrated into environments, while hanging around people during the show, playing his vjing on the projection screen.

They are usually built with emeshe from microdee, with procedurally generated PBR materials.