NODE is made possible by distinct partnerships spanning over public institutions and private companies. We thank you for your support, for your trust and for always having our back.

Funded & sponsored by

Network & Friends

… and past supporters – thank you!
Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Fonds Soziokultur, Goethe Institut, Körber-Stiftung, PwC-Stiftung, Landesregierung von Québec in Deutschland, Kulturfonds Frankfurt Rhein-Main, Hertie Stiftung, Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt, Aventis Foundation, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Pro Helvetia – Schweizer Kulturstiftung, OCA – Office for contemporary Art Norway, Traxon Technologies & e:cue, Native Instruments, ID Frankfurt/Independent Dance, Atelier Markgraph Frankfurt, Nordisk Frankfurt, Galerie Morgen Frankfurt, Cocoon Club Frankfurt, MA* – Goldman Holding Frankfurt, Diakonisches Werk Frankfurt, Luminale, WEAVE & PAGE Magazins, PLOT Magazin, Goldman Holding Frankfurt…