Support and memberships

Become an official supporter

Our partners and supporters are invaluable to our mission.

A wide range of local and international organizations in the cultural and business sector as well as higher education institutions contribute to our program, financially support us and help putting our mission into action! Please join us as a supporting member of the association and get your institution or company identified with our activities and goals.

Become a supporting member


General contact for support and funding:

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt

Board Member


Donate for our mission

NODE works non-profit. All of our activities are made possible with the help of many honorary and voluntary contributors.

Your donation goes 100% into financing our festival, our education activities for kids and teens or the development of formats in the arts. If you want to dedicate your donation to a specific program, please mention it in the transaction.

Bank account holder: NODE e.V.
IBAN: DE45 5125 0000 0000 3320 38

Donate via Paypal

Tax deductible
Write us for a contribution receipt (Spendenbescheinigung).

Public benefit
We are registered
as non-profit.

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